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Saturday, 30 October 2010

Hrabri Miljenko Jergović prokazao 'šovinistički' Radio 101 u srpskoj "Politici"

Jergović je optužio ekipu koja stoji iza stojedinice da su se sve ove godine pokazali licemjernim šovinistima i ksenofobima koji preko etera potiču stereotipe.

Miljenko Jergović"I na kraju, jedna sasvim mala, ali ilustrativna lična sličica o ovome radiju: kada je autor ovoga članka istupio iz jednoga hrvatskog književnog udruženja, sutradan su ga kroz cijeli jutarnji program pozivali da vrati i hrvatski pasoš, pošto je rođen u Bosni i Hercegovini". 

Ovako završava komentar Miljenka Jergovića, objavljen u beogradskom listu Politika, u kojem se ovaj književnik iznimno kritički osvrće na djelovanje Radija 101, zagrebačke radio postaje koja je nedavno napunila 25 godina rada. Ukratko, Jergović je optužio ekipu koja stoji iza Stojedinice da su se sve ove godine pokazali licemjernim šovinistima i ksenofobima koji preko etera potiču opasne stereotipe. Također, Jergović piše i kako su događaji iz 90-ih godina zapravo poslužili kao podloga za stvaranje 'mita o radio-stanici koja je u najgora vremena bila bastion slobode'. 

Jergović započinje svoj tekst kratkim uvođenjem čitatelja u poznatu i priznatu 'verziju' priče o Radiju 101; postaji koja je osnovana 1984. godine kao projekt gradskog komiteta omladine, da bi potom kao institucija radijskog novinarstva sudjelovala u 'svim promjenama koje će nastupiti krajem osamdesetih, ali i u formiranju političkih svjetonazora hrvatske metropole'.

"Kad je Tuđman došao na vlast i kada je provođena privatizacija medija, uglavnom tako da se poklanjaju ili u bescjenje prodaju porodičnim prijateljima, Radio 101 našao se u sukobu s vlastima, koji je latentno trajao sve do 1997. Tada su na Trgu bana Jelačića održane građanske demonstracije, najveće i zapravo jedine nakon odcjepljenja od Jugoslavije, protiv pokušaja da se Radiju 101 oduzme koncesija za emitiranje programa", piše Jergović u Politici, te podsjeća kako je to dakle "tek jedna strana u priči". 

Drugu pak verziju Jergović započinje s 1991. godinom, kada je na ovom radiju uoči pada Vukovara, a u znak sućuti prema poginulima, zabranjeno emitiranje srpske glazbe. "Kako je riječ o urbanom i muzički striktno profiliranom programu, to je onda značilo zabranu „Partibrejkersa", „Ekatarine Velike", „Električnog orgazma" i sličnih bendova, za koje se baš i nije mogla pronaći druga mana osim te što ih sačinjavaju, je li, baš Srbi", podsjeća Jergović, ističući s dozom razumijevanja da se svašta događa u ratu na svim zaraćenim stranama, pa da se ovaj potez stoga može i razumjeti.

No, ne može se razumijeti činjenica da je takav režim trajao dugo nakon što je rat završio, piše Jergović. "Onaj tko bi zabranu prekršio, a takvih ruku na srce baš i nije bilo, mogao je očekivati samo suspenziju i trajno udaljavanje s posla. Čist hrvatski eter, s čistom hrvatskom muzikom - na stranu Amerikanci, Englezi, Arapi, Malijci, Sudanci, čiji su se tonovi u modi etnozvuka mogli čuti - trajao je sve dok stvar nije postala potpuno apsurdna, jer su u neko doba zagrebačke klupske pozornice preplavili stari i novi srpski bendovi, pa je najprije stidljivo, a onda kao da se ništa i nije dogodilo, srpska muzika legalizirana i na ovom radiju", ističe pisac.

Potom se osvrće i na uredništvo Radija 101, koji se prema njegovim riječima "uvijek ponosio otkačenošću, smislom za humor i opuštenim odnosom prema stvarnosti, što i nije baš dio zagrebačkog mentaliteta". "Dijelu svojih slušatelja su, možda, smiješni i zabavni, ali onima koji se, recimo, nisu rodili u Zagrebu nije baš prijatan svakodnevni kontakt program u koji se telefonski javljaju bijesni slušatelji koji bi grad očistili od došljaka, pa onda zajedno s voditeljima nižu šovinističke i rasističke stereotipe o Hercegovcima, Bosancima, Dalmatincima i ostalima koji prljaju ovaj bijeli grad", piše Jergović, te primjećuje da se na Radiju 101, od svih obližnjih nacija, ovakvi stereotipi jedino ne prišivaju Srbima.

"Srbi su, naime, otišli ili su se pretvorili u onu vrstu manjine o kojoj će se u ovakvim medijima pozitivno govoriti, kao o ukrajinskom umjetničkom društvu ili o klubu pušača lula ili duvača stakla...", kaže autor, ističući da će se Srbi međutim redovno pojavljivati u njihovim "humorističnim serijama, pa barem na virtualni način".

"Kada je neko jako primitivan, nasilan i neobrazovan ili kada je ratni zločinac, mafijaš i ubojica, tada će govoriti nekom prilično bijednom i nemuštom imitacijom srpske ekavice, onakve kakvom je zamišljaju slavni urednici i novinari ovoga radija. Kada je samo glup i primitivan, tada će ga se sinhronizirati kao Albanca ili Bosanca, a ako je lopov, ubojica, hadezeovac, tada će govoriti onako kako na ovome radiju zamišljaju da govore Hercegovci", kaže Jergović pri kraju teksta, prije nego što će napisati da su mu od tamo poručili da slobodno može vratiti hrvatski pasoš.

Članak je preuzet iz Nacionala

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Should there be a third, Croat entity in Bosnia-Herzegovina?

If one adds to the argument of legitimacy the fact that Croat representatives are now habitually ignored in the state and federal parliament, and in the Federation’s executive bodies, in a way that openly violates the constitution (e.g. in regard to national representation at the highest level), then the advocates of a third entity appear quite justified in their demand.

...the Croats, like the other Bosnian nations, are a sovereign people who can freely judge and decide on their rights, interests and needs. Our sovereignty is limited only by the sovereignty of the two other peoples with whom we form the common state of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Accordingly, if one of the three peoples possesses (more exactly, was given) an entity with a clearly demarcated territory that bears its name and is called a republic, then the Bosnian Croats too have a right to form their own entity along similar lines.

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Kosovo and Bosnia, the Ghetto of Christianity

Anglos, NATO, what have you created? What blasphemy against God have you committed and are so proud of? Seek repentance while you can

In Bosnia, while the Croatian third and the Serbian third of that Frankenstein, are still Christian, they have, with NATO bombs and tanks, been force into a second rate position to the Islamic third, the so called Bosniaks. Even though they had at one point the strength to defend themselves, they are now far out gunned by the US/UK/Saudi/Egypt armed Bosniak Islamics. Yes, even "moderate" Egypt was quite happy to ship T62s to their Islamic brothers.

Saturday, 23 October 2010

The Republic of Croatia gave the official name to Croatians of Bosnia… but sold their Bosnia!
(as everything else)
by Ivana Arapovic @ VoC
If the human nature should not be calumniated,
it should neither be presented as better than it is
(P. Aubry).
The Croatians of Bosnia are the people for whom there is no remission or forgiveness, not even then when the biggest criminals may be forgiven. Can it be otherwise, when no one can escape from one's own identity, not even then when it belongs to the only people that was only defending itself in those regions (Shrader), or particularly not then.

As per force of "dialogue," the Bosnian question is still being decided by Zagreb, in a like instance of the revolutionaries and philosophers from the former political wheelchairs of Soros's "Open society." They were enlightened by the luminous initiatives of Milan Djukic [then Etnic Serb leader in Croatia], who was the first to impose to Croatia a supposed choice "between democracy and isolation" (Vjesnik, 13 May 1998). The short-lived Croatian diplomacy voluntarily adopted them, as their hostage, so to brutally wash its hands of Bosnia. Without moral, knowledge and skill, as do those who dig the ditch to the other....

[Former Foreign Minister] Granic then said that it was legal to trigger the weapons against Croatians of Bosnia (Kupreskic case). When the man was shot by the international forces at his home, he revealed, it was agreed so… I.e., all was "legal."

It is legal to disarm Croatians of Bosnia, and even more legal to raise the arms against them. The rights of Croatians in Bosnia-Herzegovina are mainly sealed by the Dayton agreements and annexes which never stated what Croatians were getting, only what they WILL get, depending on circumstances, in exchange for fixed concessions. But, in that sterile diplomatic "futur", the "grammar" rules count nothing, only those of the dirtiest politics. Only after the signing of the Dayton agreements, Croatian Armed Forces found out that no one knew in Croatia what was actually signed.... Those agreements say, between the lines, perhaps, how Bosnia "deserted"... [Posavina] And everything is subject to change in there, except the concessions made by Croatian diplomacy. Those were "great" diplomats and politicians...

The destiny of a vigorous and perseverant part of Croatian national being has been lost in a vain and verbose mimicry of the so-called "democrats." Croatian state structures could afford it, for their own extravagance and their plosive, weighty money bags (those that president Mesic, too, dealt with), but not the Republic of Croatia nor Bosnia.  

Most tragically, Bosnia put its hopes in Herzegovina, where some became so-called "Croatian Jews" and baptized, with a sense of business, Mesic [President, 2000-09], Racan [PM, 2000-03] and others [Sanader, PM, 2003-09], so that they may offer sacrifices... Because the skies above Bosnia rise up with the same fragrance, in the same vague and on the same gleam as those above Dubrovnik or Zagreb's Sljeme. Bosnia might have looked toward Zagreb, from where even Mostar was divided on "their" and "our",  in Washington D.C., but in those times when their blood and sweat were highly valued. Croatian Bosnia knew how to raise the future soldiers for the Altar of God as no other army in the world. But there, in Zagreb, was built a pyramid of their heads, a guillotine in world dimensions. 

Today, Bosnia rarely turns back to Zagreb; finally, it cannot play, like in a circus, a maimed bear led by a gypsy. It survived the Sword of Osman, but the modern business-politics and spiritual euthanasia might be even more catastrophic for it, with all those new-century communist ideologists under "democratic" veil. They try to console it with a latent language question, a TV channel, some partition ideas... while opening historical routes for new "Osmans" ... all the way down to Afghanistan.

Only Sarajevo is worse. Its former leader Izetbegovic put his hopes in sharia, in a real futur, for some new "brotherhood and unity" of religions, for every religion is permitted apart from real one.... Such mixture, and actual afghanistanisation of Croatian politics, both in Republic of Croatia and toward Bosnia, cannot even have a different post-scriptum. Croatian blood can be rented for anything. Yet, who will defend, tomorrow, modern afghan "Osmans" of Croatian origin if an entire Croatian land has been crossed away, together with its people.

After the diplomacy started its game, in that land, the African coloni [UN] pointed their weapon against drained and disarmed Croatians, only the stamped election billets in their hands (in Jajce). The skies were stun with threatening noise that surrendered a noble nation, so that it can vote instead of praying and fighting, as Jesus ordered to his disciples. Welcome to service of non-transparent merchants from Zrinjevac [Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Zagreb]... True Croatness is not popular in Zagreb, anyway. It is a pure "racism". Such is a millennium hatred, a new uravnilovka, with who knows whose star in the background, and in which color, when Croatian colors are obscured.

But what diplomatic (dis)agreements mean, their gold, and all politics "dirty" by definition in "democracy" – compared to the Golden Rosary. So, my dear Bosnia, instead of turning to Zagreb, pray, "Eternal Father...". Even then when for your "Ready for Homeland" [Za dom spremni, the greeting whose origin is mistakenly assigned to the Ustashe forces from WWII by the world press] one gets 25 years in The Hague, as if you were tried for the "chess-board", and for Satan's kingdom on earth, and not for Croatian flag, and for a noble nation of God. We should not have doubts about appearance of Antichrist! However, it is not Bosnia that deserved Apocalypse; it would be rather "futurist" Zagreb, "futurist" Sarajevo...

Redrawing Bosnian borders

By Jeffrey T. Kuhner,

From 1992-1995, Bosnia was the site of some of the bloodiest fighting in Europe since the Second World War. Yet since the signing of the Dayton peace accords, the country remains divided along ethnic lines. Despite massive Western foreign aid and the presence of American peacekeeping forces, Bosnia's Serbs, Croats and Muslims are no closer to genuine reconciliation and peaceful co-existence. The country's Serbs who live in the Bosnian Serb Republic seek to eventually become part of Serbia. The Bosnian Croats, most of whom live in the country's second political entity, the Muslim-Croat federation, also would like nothing more than to join Croatia.
The country's Muslims, however, remain wedded to the notion of a united, multinational Bosnia based on a strong centralized government in Sarajevo. The international community also is committed to keeping the country's borders intact. Yet the problem with that approach is that it overlooks the reality of what is occurring on the ground.

Bosnia remains an economic basket case, where the unemployment rate is 40 percent. Foreign investment is practically nonexistent. Corruption and crime remain rampant. Despite nearly a two decades of nation-building, Western governments have failed to forge viable economic and political institutions.

More ominously, the greatest threat to peace and stability stems from the resurgence of Islamic fundamentalism in Bosnia, which seeks to either wipe out or convert all Christians in the region. The country now serves as a base for al Qaeda operatives, where numerous terrorist cells are active and plotting attacks on targets throughout Europe. In the past, Saudi Arabia has sent millions of dollars in aid to "humanitarian" agencies that encourage Bosnian Muslims to promote the doctrines of Wahhabism, a particularly intolerant and puritanical version of Islam. Mosques have been established throughout the Muslim-Croat federation, many of whom preach the need for "jihad" against the country's Catholic Croats and Orthodox Christian Serbs.

The result has been numerous acts of terror perpetrated upon civilians — especially the Croats. During the past several years, Catholic churches in and around Sarajevo have been vandalized by Islamic extremists. Cemeteries where Croats were buried have been desecrated. Many ordinary Catholics are afraid of walking on the streets of Sarajevo with a cross around their neck for fear of being attacked.

The most notorious incident occurred on one Christmas Eve, when three Croats — a father and his two daughters — were gunned down in their home by an Islamic militant near the town of Konjic. Their crime: celebrating Christmas.

The rise of radical Islam threatens to destabilize the Balkans, plunging the region once again into bloodshed and religious conflict. Rather than forcing the three constituent peoples of Bosnia to live together against their wishes, the US administration would be wise to develop a realistic and coherent strategy toward the region.

Washington needs to realize that synthetic states such as Bosnia-Herzegovina are destined to fail. Recent European history is littered with examples of multinational countries such as Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union that disintegrated because they denied the fundamental human aspirations for democracy and national self-determination. Bosnia is another case in point. The Bosnian Serbs should be allowed to form a state with Serbia; the Croat territories — especially those centered around their stronghold of Mostar in Western Herzegovina  - should be incorporated into Croatia. The Bosnian Muslims would have their own state, with Sarajevo as the capital.

More importantly, the US administration needs to foster closer ties with the Croats in Bosnia-Herzegovina for one simple reason: They are on the front-lines in the war against Islamic terrorism in the Balkans. The Bosnian Serbs, meanwhile, are unreliable allies. Many of them are still seething with resentment against the United States for its decision to use military force to end the Serbs' campaign of ethnic cleansing and mass murder during the Balkan wars of the 1990s.

The Croats, on the other hand, view Washington as their strategic partner. As one high-ranking Bosnian Croat government official told me: "We can act as the eyes and ears for the West in the Balkans and monitor the activities of al Qaeda in Bosnia."

The United States should not only support the Bosnian Croats' right to self-determination, but also provide them with intelligence and military assistance to contain the growth of radical Islam in the region.

It is ironic that the West should now have to depend upon the Croats in Herzegovina as a pivotal ally in the war on terrorism. Throughout the 1990s, the Herzegovinian Croats were demonized in the Western liberal press for their "nationalism" and passionate attachment to the Croatian cause. They have always been the most patriotic and courageous of all the Croats, producing some of Europe's finest fighters. Herzegovina was primarily the site where the Croats for centuries fought off the invading Ottoman armies. For their ceaseless resistance to the Turks, Pope Leo X referred to the Croats as "the ramparts of Christendom."

The Croats in Bosnia can again take up their historic role as a strategic bulwark against Islamic expansionism on the Continent. However, this can only happen after Washington realizes Bosnia is not a Balkan Switzerland, but a smoldering cauldron of ethnic strife where the followers of Osama bin Laden have found a home to preach their message of hate and religious fanaticism. As an experiment in nation-building, Bosnia has been a noble failure. The US administration should take heed.
Jeffrey T. Kuhner is an assistant national editor at The Washington Times.


Sunday, 17 October 2010

Je li Mesić za svoje stanove prodao naše gole guzice?

Čime se bave njegovi "prijatelji" kad im milijun i devet stotina tisuća kuna nije lova koju treba brzo vratiti?

Jebote! Ne biste vjerovali. Naš bivši predsjednik Mesić kupio je dva stana, jedan na ime svoje žene, umirovljene tete iz vrtića, za 1,9 milijuna kuna. I nama, sasvim sigurno i onom Uredu, objasnio je da su mu lovu posudili "prijatelji" i da ne mora "žuriti" s vraćanjem.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Novi dom za Stipu

Štedilo se, ima se!!!

Mesićevi kupili dva stana i dvije garaže za 1,9 milijuna kuna. Stipe tvrdi da to nisu oni dolari iz Australije, lova je došla iz neke druge mućke koje se više i ne sjeća.

Hrvatska zajednica na Kosovu odumire

Janjevaca svake godine sve manje.

Dosadašnji hrvatski predsjednik Stipe Mesić posjetio je po drugi put tokom predsjednikovanja Janjevo. Njegova posjeta i konstatacija da „Hrvati nisu protjerani s Kosova“ izazvala je ogorčenje i potvrdila uvjerenje preostalih Janjevčana da su samo monete za potkusurivanje. Došao je po mraku, po mraku i otišao. Nije želio da vidi našu surovu realnost; kaže Nikola Karamatić čije se petoro djece nadalo da će predsjednik u Janjevo donijeti makar božićne poklone.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Što hoće ti Hercegovci?

Ante Tomić, Mesićev pisac i novinar, artikulirano demonstrira svoj prirodni dar za mržnju, prezir i izrugivanje

Tu krvavu svinjariju uglavnom smo gledali s ravnodušne distance...  Hercegovačke je Hrvate Tuđman iskoristio upravo kao i Milošević krajiške Srbe, samo što su Srbi iz Krajine imali sreću da izgube rat. Poraz je u ovakvim situacijama, vjerujem, bolji jer čovjeka otrijezni, liši ga iluzija. Da su u Hercegovini izgubili rat, vjerojatno ne bi petnaest godina udarali glavom u zid, još ne shvaćajući da na toj strani nema vrata.

Hrvati (opet) pali na testu ljudskosti

Analiza Borisa Dežulovića o tome što u Hrvatskoj znači biti Drugi i malo Drugačiji

...ispada naime da su Hrvati u velikoj većini retardi, retardirani narod, nacija degenerika, seljačine retardirane, najveća govna koja su ikada postojala, gori od nacista, gomila drogiranih degenerika bez porijekla, apsolutno najružniji ljudi na svijetu, mentalni degenerici i rugobe, najveća stoka i govna neviđena.

Kako su (i zašto) Hercegovci zamijenili Srbe

Ako ste slučajno "ustali na lijevu nogu", samo udrite po dežurnim krivcima...

"Vratite nam Srbe, evo vam Hercegovci", postao je udomaćeni vrisak intelektualno i moralno osakaćenih masa u Lijepoj Našoj.

Hercegovci su Hrvati tek kada nešto postignu u svijetu

Sotoniziranje Hercegovaca je već 10-ak godina najpopularniji "sport" u Hrvatskoj.

Kada Marin Čilić osvoji juniorski Roland Garros, onda kažu 'Hrvat osvojio Roland Garros', a kada netko iz Hercegovine počini bilo kakav kriminal nigdje se ne kaže da je Hrvat, nego Hercegovac.

Na vlasti - Hercegovci, Posavci, Imoćani, Ličani i poneki Šokac...

Brojanje krvnih zrnaca i pokušaj trovanja odnosa među ljudima u Osijeku.

Nije mi baš jasno što je novinar htio postići sa ovakvim sadržajem članka. Izgleda kao neuspio pokušaj raspirivanja mržnje među stanovništvom...

Monday, 11 October 2010

Olabavite malo, pogledajte se u ogledalo za početak...

Hercegovci ne smiju biti žrtve naših kriza

Cak i u Jutarnjem Listu postaju umorni od govora mrznje... Ili je ovo samo jedan novinar koga grize savjest zbog primitivizma njegovih kolega.

Croatian president discusses country's Christian identity with pope Benedict XVI

Hrvatski predsjednik Ivo Josipović u posjetu kod pape Benedict-a XVI