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Saturday, 23 October 2010

The Republic of Croatia gave the official name to Croatians of Bosnia… but sold their Bosnia!
(as everything else)
by Ivana Arapovic @ VoC
If the human nature should not be calumniated,
it should neither be presented as better than it is
(P. Aubry).
The Croatians of Bosnia are the people for whom there is no remission or forgiveness, not even then when the biggest criminals may be forgiven. Can it be otherwise, when no one can escape from one's own identity, not even then when it belongs to the only people that was only defending itself in those regions (Shrader), or particularly not then.

As per force of "dialogue," the Bosnian question is still being decided by Zagreb, in a like instance of the revolutionaries and philosophers from the former political wheelchairs of Soros's "Open society." They were enlightened by the luminous initiatives of Milan Djukic [then Etnic Serb leader in Croatia], who was the first to impose to Croatia a supposed choice "between democracy and isolation" (Vjesnik, 13 May 1998). The short-lived Croatian diplomacy voluntarily adopted them, as their hostage, so to brutally wash its hands of Bosnia. Without moral, knowledge and skill, as do those who dig the ditch to the other....

[Former Foreign Minister] Granic then said that it was legal to trigger the weapons against Croatians of Bosnia (Kupreskic case). When the man was shot by the international forces at his home, he revealed, it was agreed so… I.e., all was "legal."

It is legal to disarm Croatians of Bosnia, and even more legal to raise the arms against them. The rights of Croatians in Bosnia-Herzegovina are mainly sealed by the Dayton agreements and annexes which never stated what Croatians were getting, only what they WILL get, depending on circumstances, in exchange for fixed concessions. But, in that sterile diplomatic "futur", the "grammar" rules count nothing, only those of the dirtiest politics. Only after the signing of the Dayton agreements, Croatian Armed Forces found out that no one knew in Croatia what was actually signed.... Those agreements say, between the lines, perhaps, how Bosnia "deserted"... [Posavina] And everything is subject to change in there, except the concessions made by Croatian diplomacy. Those were "great" diplomats and politicians...

The destiny of a vigorous and perseverant part of Croatian national being has been lost in a vain and verbose mimicry of the so-called "democrats." Croatian state structures could afford it, for their own extravagance and their plosive, weighty money bags (those that president Mesic, too, dealt with), but not the Republic of Croatia nor Bosnia.  

Most tragically, Bosnia put its hopes in Herzegovina, where some became so-called "Croatian Jews" and baptized, with a sense of business, Mesic [President, 2000-09], Racan [PM, 2000-03] and others [Sanader, PM, 2003-09], so that they may offer sacrifices... Because the skies above Bosnia rise up with the same fragrance, in the same vague and on the same gleam as those above Dubrovnik or Zagreb's Sljeme. Bosnia might have looked toward Zagreb, from where even Mostar was divided on "their" and "our",  in Washington D.C., but in those times when their blood and sweat were highly valued. Croatian Bosnia knew how to raise the future soldiers for the Altar of God as no other army in the world. But there, in Zagreb, was built a pyramid of their heads, a guillotine in world dimensions. 

Today, Bosnia rarely turns back to Zagreb; finally, it cannot play, like in a circus, a maimed bear led by a gypsy. It survived the Sword of Osman, but the modern business-politics and spiritual euthanasia might be even more catastrophic for it, with all those new-century communist ideologists under "democratic" veil. They try to console it with a latent language question, a TV channel, some partition ideas... while opening historical routes for new "Osmans" ... all the way down to Afghanistan.

Only Sarajevo is worse. Its former leader Izetbegovic put his hopes in sharia, in a real futur, for some new "brotherhood and unity" of religions, for every religion is permitted apart from real one.... Such mixture, and actual afghanistanisation of Croatian politics, both in Republic of Croatia and toward Bosnia, cannot even have a different post-scriptum. Croatian blood can be rented for anything. Yet, who will defend, tomorrow, modern afghan "Osmans" of Croatian origin if an entire Croatian land has been crossed away, together with its people.

After the diplomacy started its game, in that land, the African coloni [UN] pointed their weapon against drained and disarmed Croatians, only the stamped election billets in their hands (in Jajce). The skies were stun with threatening noise that surrendered a noble nation, so that it can vote instead of praying and fighting, as Jesus ordered to his disciples. Welcome to service of non-transparent merchants from Zrinjevac [Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Zagreb]... True Croatness is not popular in Zagreb, anyway. It is a pure "racism". Such is a millennium hatred, a new uravnilovka, with who knows whose star in the background, and in which color, when Croatian colors are obscured.

But what diplomatic (dis)agreements mean, their gold, and all politics "dirty" by definition in "democracy" – compared to the Golden Rosary. So, my dear Bosnia, instead of turning to Zagreb, pray, "Eternal Father...". Even then when for your "Ready for Homeland" [Za dom spremni, the greeting whose origin is mistakenly assigned to the Ustashe forces from WWII by the world press] one gets 25 years in The Hague, as if you were tried for the "chess-board", and for Satan's kingdom on earth, and not for Croatian flag, and for a noble nation of God. We should not have doubts about appearance of Antichrist! However, it is not Bosnia that deserved Apocalypse; it would be rather "futurist" Zagreb, "futurist" Sarajevo...

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